CDBMB Quality Management System is created and functions according to the requirements of ISO 9001, GOST R ISO 9001 and recommends of GOST R ISO 9004.
The constantly upgrading Quality Management System is a basis for successful competition of the enterprise in the internal and external markets. A process approach to the quality assurance of the products is a basis of CDBMB development strategy.
The major task of the Quality Management System is to ensure the quality of the developed equipment that meets relative needs, purposes, satisfies customer’s requirements, corresponds to the standards and specification and it can be sold at competitive prices and it makes for CDBMB profit earning and market development.
Effective quality management let CDBMB produce the competitive products for atomic energetics, metallurgy, medicine, agriculture etc.
The Quality Management System provides customers a guarantee that the requirements of specified quality standards will be fulfilled in all stages of activity influencing on quality: marketing, design, maintenance supply, preparation and development of production processes, production, control and design, packing and storage, realization, installation, technical assistance and maintenance.
Quality Policy has been accepted and applied by the management of CDBMB at all levels.
Quality, reliability and safety of the equipment for atomic energetics are the foreground tasks being solved at the enterprise.
The enterprise acts in the field of quality according to the following quality management principles:
- orientation toward Customer;
- involving all the personnel in quality works;
- process approach to quality management;
- constant improvement of products and work.
These principles are realized by:
- informing the personnel of the enterprise of customers’ needs and expectations;
- complying state and international standards, rules and norms at the development and production of the equipment;
- providing the personnel with necessary resources;
- identifying processes necessary to make the quality management effective;
- creating the quality management system that meets requirements of ISO 9001;
- applying the achievements of science to the development and production of the equipment;
- systematic collecting, processing and analyzing the quality data.
The enterprise functions on the basis of licenses giving the right to design and manufacture the equipment for power plants and to provide services of maintenance, repair and retrofit of the equipment being operated at power plants. All works are executed by the authority and under supervision of RF Gosatomnadzor.