Representatives of Russian and foreign NPPs took part in the revision of the main coolant pump unit GTsNA-1753 with water lubrication of bearings and the electric motor, which operated the first thousand hours at the test stand of JSC CDBMB.
Model GTsNA-1753, developed at the Central Design Bureau of Machine Building, has no analogues in the world: the pump design has no oil system at all, which significantly increases the fire safety of the reactor plant. After successful tests of the pilot prototype GTsNA-1753, which took place in 2014, CDBMB signed contracts for the supply to several power units under construction in Russian and foreign NPPs at once, and the unit was put into serial production. The first will be supplied to the reactor compartments of the first and second power units of the second stage of Kursk nuclear power plant.
Operational life tests of serial GTsNA-1753 are performed at CDBMB 2 production facility in Sosnovy Bor. On a full-scale stand simulating the operating conditions of a reactor plant, the unit shall operate for 5000 hours under conditions that fully correspond to the real operating conditions at a nuclear power plant, pumping coolant at temperature up to +300 'C and pressure up to 200 atmospheres.
“The first thousand hours is one of the checkpoints in the test schedule. The unit is dismantled from the stand, a complete revision is performed to confirm that all parts are in good condition. With the help of the data archive of the computer diagnostics system, engineers can find out in what modes and under what parameters the RCPU has been operating. After revision and assembly, the pump is again installed on the test stand to continue testing,” explained Alexander Parkhomenko, CDBMB 2 Director.
Representatives of the enterprises of Atomenergomash JSC machine-building division, ASE EC JSC, Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, Ruselprom-LEZ LLC and AKKUYU NUKLEAR JSC took part in the work of the revision commission. Specialists from RAOOS Project JSC and Fennovoima Oy were also present at CDBMB as observers.
“The commission performed the revision in accordance with the test program and confirmed that there were no deviations from the required parameters in the RCPU operation. Vibration levels were within the allowable values, the wear of the removable part and the electric motor units after one thousand hours of operation and several dozen starts of the unit corresponds to the designed one. According to the conclusion of the commission, GTsNA-1753 operational life results are applicable among others for the projects of Akkuyu NPP (Turkey), Hanhikivi-1 NPP (Finland) and Paks-2 NPP (Hungary), "said Rodion Kazantsev, CDBMB Chief Designer for pumping equipment.
The Central Design Bureau of Machine Engineering (founded in 1945) is one of the leading organizations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, which has a multidisciplinary design team, its own research, experimental and production facilities. CDBMB is a developer and manufacturer of reactor coolant pumps for VVER reactors. In addition, the company designs and manufactures canned, cantilever, feed and emergency pumps for nuclear power plants and a wide range of remotely controlled equipment for handling radioactive materials. CDBMB also offers technological solutions in the field of thermal energy, gas and petrochemicals (LNG technologies), shipbuilding and equipment for solid waste processing plants.