JSC “CDBMB” manufactured and shipped sets of spare parts for main reactor coolant pumps for nuclear power plants in China and India.
Graphite cover plates for bearings were sent to Tianwan NPP Units 3,4 (China). Seal and fastening elements (rings, bolts, washers) will be used for scheduled-preventive maintenance
The equipment for Kudankulam NPP Unit 3 (India) is ready for shipment. The removable parts of RCPU, auxiliary equipment, mounting spanners and devices, spare parts for startup and commissioning will be shipped within the scope of the second supply phase.
The reactor coolant pump units are the important and integral part of reactor plant: they ensure the intense circulation of the coolant in the primary reactor coolant circuit. NPP safety directly depends on the reliable and failure-free operation of these pump units. CDBMB has got the unique facility in Russia for conducting the full-scale test of pump equipment under the conditions simulating the operation of the reactor in all parameters (pressure, temperature, type of reactor coolant). All company’s products supplied to NPP are tested in various modes, which allows timely to identify possible deviations from the operating parameters and troubleshoot.
CDBMB performs regular supplies of spare parts and lands necessary support of their customers providing service maintenance of pumping equipment at NPPs in and outside Russia.