Trial facilities
CDBMB-2 branch (located in Leningrad region, Sosnovy Bor) is an experimental and industrial facility of JSC "CDBMB" with workshops and auxiliary services. Established in 1967, it became an integral part of design bureau. Sophisticated installations for research works and operational life tests of pumping equipment have led to new opportunities for engineers and design engineers of the company. The result of works of highly-qualified test engineers and industrial workers is numerous projects and products which are deservingly considered to be outstanding achievements of Russian nuclear science.
CDBMB-2 has a number of unique test rigs including full-scale test rigs at which more than 30 types of pumps for stationary, transportation and research reactor plants have been trialed. Scientific-research and experimental development works on trial of materials for friction pairs performed in CDBMB-2 have led to development of new generation of RCPS with bearings lubricated with water instead of oil for NPPs with VVER reactors. Within a framework of investment project, the development of a universal test rig for multistage pumps of NPP turbine island is still ongoing.